Good morning Falcons!
Today is Friday, April 7.
Coach Berry would like to congratulate the top finishers in this year’s Tournament Challenge:
3rd Place- Seth Kollross
2nd Place- Alexa Goff
and this year’s champion, winner of a new basketball, a Hershey’s bar, and a Pibb Extra, Jaden Franklin!
Thanks to all who participated this year.
Reminder to 6th and 7th graders- your schedule forms are due today.
Newspaper Club members–Please make sure all of your articles have been shared with Mrs. Ricks by the end of the day today.
As a part of our Awesome Acts of April, we have a new option for everyone.
On April 5th, multiple tornadoes went through the southeastern part of the United States. Thousands of people suffered damage to their homes, businesses, and schools. One school that suffered damage was Goodman Elementary, in Goodman, MO. If you’d like to make a donation that will be sent to Goodman Elementary from GCMS Middle School students, please stop by the office and drop change, dollar bills, or larger bills in the donation container on the counter. There are slips to pick up there and stick to the cafeteria windows to show your Awesome Act!
Let’s spread our kindness and Awesome Acts all the way to another state!!! We CAN make a difference!!