Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given by the board of education of school district No. 5 in the counties of Ford, Champaign, Livingston, and McLean, State of Illinois, that the budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at 307 N. Sangamon […]

4/14/2016 School Board Committee Meetings

There will be meetings of both the Building and Grounds Committee and the Policy Committee of the GCMS School Board on Thursday, April 14 2016.  Documents for both meetings are below. Building, Grounds & Transportaton Committee Notice and Agenda 4-14-2016 Policy Committee Meeting Notice and Agenda 4-14-2016

3/17/2016 Personnel & Finance Committee Meeting

Please see the attached for the upcoming Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting on 03/17/2016 at 5:15 pm. This meeting will replace the previously scheduled 03/21/2016 Personnel and Finance Committee meeting. No Meeting on 03/21/2016. 3-17-2016 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting Notice and Agenda