Middle School Morning Announcements – 11/2/16

Good morning Falcons!

Today is Wednesday, November 2.

Already thinking about your plans for the future? We are too! Come join us at our Career and College Night, Tuesday, November 8th at 6 pm in the middle school cafeteria. There will be a free Subway dinner beginning at 5:45, and we will spend the rest of the night exploring your interests and possible career paths. All middle school families are welcome! Please return slips to Ms. Maske by Friday, November 4th.

The student council is now selling Red Crush T-shirts. Orders will be accepted until Wednesday, November 9. Turn in your order form and payment into the office.

This week is Red Ribbon Week! Take a look at the poster on the office window for details of the events happening next week. Thursday – Dress-Up Day:  Give Drugs the Boot: Wear boots or Western Clothes

Students helping Ms. White with the GRIT assembly should meet her in the Conference room during 5th hour today.  If that’s your lunch hour, get your lunch first.

Geography Club–Please remember that we will meet tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM in Mrs. Ricks’ room to play “Country Jeopardy.”

Here are the activities that will be happening during the week.

Monday– Students will get their ribbons during 1st hour; ribbons should be worn over their heart throughout the week.  Prizes may be given for students wearing their ribbon throughout the week.

Tuesday– Dress-Up Day:  Don’t let Drugs get in the way of your future:  Career Day (Dress up like your future career). Pledge to be drug/alcohol free during lunch

Wednesday– Dress-Up day:  Put drugs to Sleep: Wear PJs

Thursday– Character Assembly to learn about dangers of Drug and Alcohol use Dress-Up Day:  Give Drugs the Boot: Wear boots or Western Clothes

Friday– Dress-Up Day:  Red for Drug and Alcohol Awareness:  Wear Red Middle School students can receive $1 off admission to the Variety Show tonight if they wear their Red Ribbon!

Please stand and recite with me the Pledge of Allegiance.

Posted in Middle School.