Dear Parent or Guardian:
This letter is to remind you about an upcoming opportunity at the elementary school. In order to better connect with families, GCMS Elementary faculty and staff are presenting “Hot Topics”, once per quarter during the 2013-14 school year. We have had one successful presentation already, and our second presentation will take place on Thursday, November 21st at 6:00 pm in the elementary library.
Our second “Hot Topic”, will cover the three components of a successful student: School, Student, and Parent. This presentation will be done by several staff members including: Ms. Petersen, Mrs. Zehr, Mrs. Audo, Mrs. Schmitt and Mrs. Lindelof. We will be sharing resources and strategies to help your student succeed. Topics will include: touch point math, web resources, brain break activities, and information about the social/emotional side of our students.
Because we know how difficult it can be to find a babysitter and to encourage your participation in this event, we will have supervision in the cafeteria so that you are able to bring your kids with you. We will also have a drawing at the conclusion of the presentation for a parent tool kit that will include some of the tools and strategies that are presented.
In addition to the “Hot Topic” presentation, I want to remind you to send warm coats, hats, gloves, and boots (in cases where we have snow) for the winter weather. We will go outside if the wind-chill is above 20 degrees, and we want to make sure that kids are bundled up.
If you have any questions about the “Hot Topic” presentation, please call Mr. Kean or Mrs. McFerren.
Justin Kean Kilee Lidwell-McFerren
Elementary Principal Elementary Asst. Principal