GCMS Middle School
Daily Announcements
1. Pledge of Allegiance…
2. Join the Fellowship of Christian Athletes tomorrow, September 24 at 7:45 am for “See You at the Pole”. Join us in a time of prayer as we gather around the flagpole and share.
3. Moyer District Library is having “Chocolate Wars,” this coming tonight, Sept. 23, from 6 to 7 pm.
4. Reminder for baseball players that uniform turn-in and field cleanup is after school today until 5:00. Please remember to bring all gear on Tuesday.
5. Newspaper Club will begin meeting on Tuesday mornings, beginning next Tuesday, September 30, at 7:30 A.M. in Mrs. Ricks’ room. If you’ve ever thought it would be fun to be a sports reporter, write an advice column, draw cartoons, or interview fellow students…then this might be the club for you. All 6th through 8th grade students willing to work hard and meet a deadline are welcome.
6. What ever became of Amelia Earhart? Did King Richard III lock his nephews in the Tower of London and then have them killed in order to take the throne for himself? Why would an entire experienced crew disappear from a British merchant ship on a beautiful day? If you like a good mystery and enjoy studying history, come join the newly formed History Mystery Club. It will meet on Thursdays beginning next Thursday, October 2 in Mrs. Ricks’ room. You may come EITHER in the morning at 7:30 AM or after school from 3:30 to 4:00, whichever time best fits your schedule. If you have any questions or want to find out more, please see Mrs. Ricks.