GCMS Middle School Announcements 6/3/14

GCMS Middle School
Daily Announcements
1.    Pledge of Allegiance…
2.     Students: If you owe a fine or materials make sure you get those turned in first thing this morning. 
3.     Falcon Fun Day sign up lists are posted in the cafeteria. Be sure to double check the activity that you have signed up for.
For those who have signed up for Video Games bring in your favorite Wii game to play. Be sure to have it marked with your name on it.

4.     Students- With the possibility of rain tomorrow we will still have Falcon Fun Day.  That said, the activities that are planned for outside will be adjusted and either a movie will be shown or you can bring your own device or games for that period of time.  Please wear clothes that are ok to get dirty!  We will be outside if the weather and grounds permit.
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