GCMS Middle School Announcements 12/9

GCMS Middle School

Daily Announcements




  1. Pledge of Allegiance…


  1. The next Middle School Dance will be Friday December the 11th from 6:30 – 9:00. We need all students with negative lunch accounts and library fines to get those paid and caught up in order to attend the dance!!!


  1. Newspaper Club will meet BOTH Wednesday and Thursday this week at 7:30 AM in the Computer Lab.


  1. There will be an FCA meeting in the middle school library on Tuesday morning, December 15th. The meeting begins at 7:30 am.  Please join us for donuts and fellowship.


  1. White is in a giving spirit and would like others to join her. To help you get into a giving spirit for our toy drive she has agreed to have someone give her a pie in the face at the January assembly. This will happen if we can get the total number of toys brought in to at least 75 items by Friday. Help Ms. White with her giving spirit while giving a gift to someone else.


  1. Red crush event tomorrow night for the girls sectional game! Be there by 6:15 and wear your red! Come ready to cheer on the Falcons to a win!


  1. Band students: The Winter Concert is this Sunday at the high school. Remember to take your instrument and music home with you on Friday.
Posted in Middle School.