GCMS Middle School
Daily Announcements
1. Pledge of Allegiance…
2. The next middle school dance is this Friday from 6:30 – 9:00. Cost is $5 and a concession stand will be available. All proceeds go to the Middle School Music department!
3. The Student Council is sponsoring a food drive for the local food pantry from Wednesday, November 12 until Friday, November 21. The 10th hour class with the most items will win a treat in class. Bring in can goods, non-perishable food items, cleaning products and personal care products. Boxes will be located in the 10th hour class rooms.
4. Reminder: History Club will have its regular weekly meeting tomorrow before and after school in the Computer Lab.
5. Reminder to all newspaper club members: All newspaper articles must be shared on Google Docs with Mrs. Ricks by Monday, November 17 in order to be included in the first issue of the school newspaper.