GCMS Middle School Announcements 10/22/14

GCMS Middle School
Daily Announcements
1.    Pledge of Allegiance…
2.      Attention all MS students we are starting a new club. The polar bear running club.  Do you want to get in shape for track?  Get more fit? Develop some new friendships?  The polar bear running club is for any student that would like to get together and run/ walk through the winter elements. Everyone will be encouraged to set personal goals and above all have fun.  Please come to the main office to pick an informational packet.  The first meeting to talk about our group will be October 30th, in the cafeteria with Mrs. McFerren. 
3.      Remember tomorrow is our first Spirit Day. The theme is “Think Pink” in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Wear an article of clothing that is pink or a pink ribbon or sticker. Let’s make our goal to have 100% participation.
4.      Red Ribbon Week is next week!
We will have various activities throughout the week, including dress up days!
Tuesday is dress like a Superhero!
Friday is wear Red!

We can’t wait to see everyone participating throughout the week by wearing their ribbon and dressing up for each day!
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