GCMS Middle School
Daily Announcements
1. Pledge of Allegiance…
2. There will be an FCA meeting Wednesday morning, October 8th at 7:30 am in the library. Please join us for fellowship and donuts!
3. “Attention 6th, 7th, 8th Grade boys interested in trying out for basketball- there is an informational sheet in the office regarding preseason open gyms. Be sure to pick up a sheet and see Coach Berry if you have any questions. The first open gym will be next Tuesday, Oct. 7 from 6:45-7:45AM.”
4. Don’t forget to enter the Yearbook cover contest! All middle school students are eligible to enter. Pick up your packet from Mrs. Ferguson in the library. All cover designs are due on Oct. 17th.
5. Please remember to check the library overdue list in the cafeteria to see if you have an overdue book, or see Mrs. Ferguson in the library.
6. Cheerleaders: Friday’s practice is cancelled so you can participate in the parade and Grill on the Hill.
7. We have had several issues with gum chewing being done in the wrong locations and gum being found under desks. Because of this gum will not be allowed in any area in the building until further notice. This is a privilege that is lost for now.