GCMS Middle School Announcements 10/16

GCMS Middle School
Daily Announcements

1. Pledge of Allegiance…

2. Reminder for Student Council members, your shirt orders are due tomorrow, Friday, October 16 to Mr. Hoogstraat.

3. Reminder to all 6th-8th grade boys going out for basketball that there will be a mandatory meeting after school Friday in Coach Berry’s room until 4:30. See Coach Berry ASAP if you cannot attend the meeting.

4. Congrats to the following students who made the District Chorus that will be held on Saturday, November 21st. These students are: Darin Bauer, Haley Brown, Jalen Cail, Emily Clinton, Rylan Davis, Brodie Doman, Haven Hathaway, Katie Kamman, Liam Killian, Alex Killian, Ian Miller, Jordan Phifer, Elyssa Phillips and Sierra Ward.

Posted in Middle School.