GCMS Middle School Announcements 10/14

GCMS Middle School

Daily Announcements



  1. Pledge of Allegiance…


  1. FCA is sponsoring an after school movie on Friday, October 16th. We will be watching the movie “Hoovey.”  A true story about a Midwestern high school basketball player who battled overwhelming odds to get back on the court after finding out he had a brain tumor.  Popcorn, pop or water will be provided.  Join us in the Middle School Library from 3:30 to 515 pm.  Please have your ride ready to pick you up promptly at 5:15 p.m.


  1. The Middle School Student Council is taking orders for Red Crush t-shirts and sweatshirts. Order forms can be found on bulletin boards throughout the building and in the office. All orders must be turned in to the office by Thursday, October 22.


  1. Art Club will meet Thursday, October 15th from after school until 5.


  1. Newspaper Club will NOT meet this week.
Posted in Middle School.