GCMS Middle School Announcement 9/4

GCMS Middle School

Daily Announcements



  1. Pledge of Allegiance…


  1. Students: please remind your parents that we have an 11:30 dismissal tomorrow. All students need to be off school grounds by 11:45.  Also, Monday is a holiday so enjoy your long weekend!


  1. Great job in the assembly yesterday!!! When I last looked we had almost 7,000 people who had received the videoJ  Remember filling peoples buckets and treating people with kindness will not only make the other person feel better it will make you feel better!


  1. Special thanks to all of the teachers who got out there and danced! Speaking of dances: Mark your calendar the first Middle School Dance will be two weeks from today on September 18th from 6:30 – 9:00!!!
Posted in Middle School.