GCMS Middle School
Daily Announcements
1. Pledge of Allegiance…
2. Parents and Teachers: We will be running a school wide evacuation drill on Monday, May 19that 2:30. This drill will include a controlled evacuation to the elementary school.
3. If you would like for Mrs. Withrow to mail your Hawk detasseling form to the company, then you need to get it to her absolutely no later than this Thursday morning. After that you will be responsible for mailing it yourself.
4. Don’t forget to turn in your library books and pay all fines. All library materials are due back by the 23rd.
5. Students as we approach the end of the year it is important that you stay focused and think before you act. I want everyone to enjoy the activities planned for the end of the year and part of that privilege is dependent on your actions and behavior. Listen to adult directions, work hard, and stay focused for a few more weeks!