FEBRUARY 8, 2017
Mrs. Nuss will be offering an SAT Boot Camp during advisory on Tuesdays and Thursdays for juniors in the laptop lab. It is completely voluntary. Students please report to your advisory before coming to the laptop lab.
Attention 4th qtr. Driver’s Ed students. There will be a mandatory meeting Wednesday during advisory in Mr. Hambleton’s room.
Project Ignition will meet Friday during advisory in Mr. Hambleton’s room.
FFA is taking orders for FFA Week t-shirts. They are $5.00 and you may pick up an order form from Ms. Hughes. Today is the last day to order.
Student Council will be selling $2 crushes for your crushes Wednesday through Friday during lunch. Crushes will be delivered on Valentine’s Day.
All girls, athletes or not, who signed off for the weight room record board; there will be a meeting Wednesday in the gym with Ms. Schultz during advisory.
The all school trip to the Field Museum in Chicago will be Saturday, April 1st. Registration and fees are due Wednesday, March 8th. An information sheet can be found outside the office.
Coach Rubarts will be having softball weights right after school today and Thursday. She will also have softball open gym on Thursday beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the gym.
Happy Birthday to Nathan Schutte
Breakfast: cheese omelet with juice
Lunch: lasagna roll-ups with garlic bread or sub sandwich