October 18, 2017


Coach Tompkins will have basketball open gym Thursday after school in the gym.

A basketball shoe representative will be in Coach Tompkins room during both lunch periods Thursday.  Shoes will be available for girls and boys.  Also, if you are planning on playing basketball see Coach Tompkins’ during lunch on Thursday in his classroom.

FCA will meet Friday morning at 7:30 in Mr. Ertel’s room.  Doughnuts and chocolate milk will be served.

Please check the lost and found table located in the main hall.  There are lots of items that some of you need to claim.

Interested in eating lunch with an elementary school student?  Grandparent’s day lunches are approaching.  We need students to volunteer to eat with elementary students who might not have a grandparent available to attend during the week of October 30th through November 3rd.   Sign up in the office.


Happy Birthday to Joe Allen, Zach Baillie and Audrey Maxey


Breakfast:  breakfast burrito with juice

Lunch:  sloppy joes with green beans or sub sandwich


Posted in High School, Meeting Announcements.