May 24, 2016
The spring sports awards will be tomorrow beginning at 5:30 in the gym.
There will be a meeting tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. in Mr. Tompkins’s room for anyone interested in being a Red Army leader next year. Direct any questions to Mr. Tompkins or Miss Riley.
The junior class will meet in Mrs. Briney’s classroom tomorrow during advisory. If you cannot make it, you must see Mrs. Briney or Mrs. Purcell to pick-up the information that will be handed out during the meeting.
Interact will meet tomorrow during advisory in Miss Riley’s room.
Attention Boys track: uniforms and sweats will be turned in tomorrow after school. Make sure to clean them as per instructed.
Thursday is national Red Nose throughout the country. Red Nose Day is designed to bring attention to the problem of childhood poverty and hunger. The Student council is sponsoring Red Nose Day at GCMS with all proceeds going to our local food bank. Red Noses are for sale for $1.00 and can be purchased from Mrs. Funk or Miss Riley.
Attention sophomore class: the After Prom Committee for next year will have a concession stand at the Sibley Area 4th of July Celebration to raise funds for after prom. Please sign up in the office for a time to work.
Breakfast: breakfast wrap and juice
Lunch: hot ham & cheese with green beans or spicy chicken sandwich