May 18, 2016



The sophomore class will meet tomorrow during advisory in the gym.

Seniors, please let Mr. McDevitt know of any scholarships or awards you may have earned.  A note or email will work.

FCA Power Camp will be June 27-30 this year.  We are looking for Huddle Leaders.  Please pick up applications and return to Mr. Ertel’s room by the end of the week.  Any questions please see Mr. Ertel, Mr. Stone, Mr. Carter or Mrs. Jones.

Attention freshman, please check your email and answer a short survey about mentors during advisory.

Boys track will meet in Coach Ward’s room after school today before going outside.


Breakfast:   bacon & cheese omelet with juice

Lunch:  chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and corn or sub sandwich



Posted in High School, Meeting Announcements.