November 5, 2015


Attention all students: the weight room will be open after school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3:35 until 4:30.

Wrestling open gym will be Thursday from 3:30 until 5:00 p.m. at the elementary school.

We will have a fan bus going to the game on Saturday. Sign up in the office if you would like to ride. The cost is $5.00 in advance. This will pay your way into the game.

Orders are being taken now for the Mercury One t-shirts. Please return the order form and $10.00 to Mrs. Purcell or a Marketing student by Friday.

Coach Kostoff will have open gym Wednesday after school. Please meet outside of her room at 3:40.

The deadline for the Voluntary ACT is Friday. Sign up at the Guidance Office.

The Variety Show is this Friday at 7:00. Come and support your friends and see a great night of entertainment.


Happy Birthday to Lane Timmons


Breakfast: sausage biscuit with juice

Lunch: Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes or Pizza Hut


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