GCMS Middle School
Daily Announcements
- Pledge of Allegiance…
2. Next week we will be helping to raise awareness of cancer and funds for the local GCMS Middle School Relay for Life team with several activities planned. On Monday, May 20th we will encourage everyone who has been affected by cancer in some way (either a family member or friend) to wear purple to show your support. Stickers will be available to purchase that morning for 25 cents each that will say “I’m supporting the fight against cancer in honor or memory of ______________.” Tuesday through Thursday we will hold a Coin Wars against grade levels. Jars will be available during lunch hours in which you can put your change. Pennies count for 1 point each FOR your grade level and all other forms of currency count AGAINST your total. You want to put pennies in your grade level jar and all other currency in the other grade level jars. We will announce the grade level with the highest point total on Friday. May 24th and they will get to go to lunch first that day! On Friday, May 24th we will be talking about Sun Safety and encourage everyone to wear a hat that day.
3. Students: If you have library fines, book fines, or negative lunch accounts those need to be caught up by next Wednesday. Any negative accounts will result in being pulled from Falcon Fun day activities. If you are not sure what you owe ask!!!