GCMS Middle School
Daily Announcements
- Pledge of Allegiance…
2. Don’t forget the next Dance is Friday from 6:00 – 8:30. Cost is $5 and a concession stand will be available!!!
3. Information for the high school dance team and cheerleading tryouts are in the office. Any 8th grade student interested should pick up the necessary information.
4. Any students interested in Middle School Track should come by the office and sign up. Sign up sheets are located on the white table in the office. If you have not already participated in an activity this year you will need to pick up an information packet which includes physical form and proof of insurance. Please sign up before or after school, or during your lunch hour.
5. Don’t forget ISAT tests are next week! Will we be number 1 next year??? Do you best and let the tests speak for themselves!