Here are the latest totals for the GCMS Elementary Miles to Minutes reading incentive!
Kindergarten 15,342 minutes this week =5114 miles
Kindergarten has conquered New Hampshire, Vermont, and they are about half way across Maine.
1st Grade 18,775 minutes this week = 18,775 miles
First grade has conquered West Virginia, Virginia, and are about 3/4 of the way across North Carolina.
2nd Grade 21,137 minutes this week = 10,568 miles
Second grade has almost conquered Washington.
3rd Grade 28,777 minutes this week = 28,777 miles
Third grade has conquered Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and are about 1/3 of the way across Michigan.
4th Grade 25,845 minutes this week = 12,922 miles
Fourth grade has almost conquered Colorado.
5th Grade 44,331 minutes this week = 22,165 miles
Fifth grade has conquered Arizona and has entered New Mexico.